How Swimming Can Help Your Child Thrive

Hey parents, did you know that swimming can be a great way to boost your little one’s confidence and self-esteem? Most parents know that swimming offers physical fitness but at Swim Fins we believe that swim lessons are more than just a fun after-school activity! Here’s some ways swimming lessons work their magic to nurture self-confidence & give your little ones a solid foundation in life.

1. Social Confidence

No matter what path your child takes in life, social skills are key to success. A child who grew up with opportunities to nurture their social skills undoubtedly will have a leg up in every part of their life. The best part is that these opportunities can come in the form of swim lessons - and we’re not just saying this, there’s science to back us up! 

A study by Dr Liselott and her colleagues reported that children who were in swim classes between the ages of 4 months to 4 years not only had better self-confidence & were more independent than non-swimmers, but they were better adapted to new situations as well. Part of this could be due to the way swim classes are generally run. At Swim Fins, our swimmers are encouraged to take turns, practice sharing, and support and encourage their peers in classes. All of these practices have been credited with building a strong sense of belonging which in turn strengthens self-esteem in children. At Swim Fins, we teach our swimmers to set swim goals in their lessons and feel proud when they master a new skill. Feeling pride in their abilities boosts self-confidence and encourages children to seek out new challenges and inspires confidence in themselves which in turn, gives them more opportunities to learn and grow!

2. Cognitive Confidence

Swim lessons have also been linked to boosting the development of your little one’s brain. When children participate in swim lessons, they’re engaging in activities that stimulate their brains and enhance their cognitive abilities. 

In 2012, a study by Griffith University (Australia) found that children under 5 who were in swim lessons achieved developmental milestones earlier than their non-swimming peers. The researchers also found that the ‘swimming children’ also scored better at visual-motor skills (such as drawing lines and shapes & cutting paper) as well as in mathematical & language skills. At Swim Fins, our coaches create a learning environment that combines the use of listening and following directions, body awareness, coordination and rhythm - all of which promote the development of neural connections in the brain. On top of that, by having to follow instructions, learn and combine new techniques and adapt to different water environments, our swimmers stimulate their memory, problem-solving skills and cognitive flexibility which is a skill that definitely extends far beyond the pool.

To sum it up, swimming lessons aren’t just beneficial for learning a life-saving skill. By overcoming fears, achieving goals and socializing with peers, children are gaining valuable life skills that can carry over to their academics and in their personal lives. The key, as always, is consistency. At Swim Fins, we believe that practice makes progress which is why we offer swim lessons year round at our pools in Richmond, Surrey, White Rock, Langley, Cloverdale, and Abbotsford. Come swim with Swim Fins: